This stuff is excellent on so many levels! Can be used for a variety of things. One of my favorites, is for my hair! It’s dry in Alberta, I find it provides the best hydration. Excellent for the scalp, dry skin and gives an awesome shine!Lucky would be so happy LOL In Alberta we have a lot of international markets, grocery stores. We prefer these over the big name stores, excellent deals and good selection! Best of all, can’t beat the prices!Use a sharp knife. I like to use a cleaver. Cut the spikeys off down each side, then give pressure on top and run knife along bottom and top of Aloe.I use my mortal and pestle, you can food process this too.It’s watery, chunky, slimy, & fresh! Now lather that all into your lightly wet hair, & massage into scalp. Leave for an hour. Wash out