Apple Crisp over the Bonfire

Apple Crisp over the Bonfire » » June 28, 2024
This is always fun to do. Love cooking apples over the Bonfire!!

Bottom ingredients:
6-8 apples (skin removed, cored & cut up)
2TBSP each flour & white sugar
1TSP cinnamon (optional)
Top ingredients:
1/2CUP each oatmeal
white & brown sugar
2TBSP flour
1/2CUP butter

Apple Crisp over the Bonfire » » June 28, 2024
Get out your camp fire Dutch oven! This can be made in a cast iron skillet or pyrex dish in the oven also. Spray your pan your using with non stick cooking spray. Cut your apples up onto bite size pieces. Mix all your apples with your bottom ingredients and put in your Dutch oven.
Apple Crisp over the Bonfire » » June 28, 2024
Little over done, but it sure was tasty!! Scoop of vanilla ice cream. We were happy. Let us know what your family thinks. Great thing to make on your next camping trip!

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