Amanda and Tim

Garlic Chili Edamame

Garlic Chili Edamame » » October 6, 2024
This side dish is excellent! Super simply ingredients, and easy to make. Edamame are affordable and very good for you.
A bag of frozen Edamame
3-5 garlic cloves chopped
1TSP roasted sesame seeds & soya sauce
1/2-1TSP crushed dried Chilis (or fresh)
1TSP each vegetable oil & Sesame oil
Garlic Chili Edamame » » October 6, 2024
Boil Edamame as per package saids. Drain, set aside.
Get your pan hot and saute your garlic for a couple minutes.
Garlic Chili Edamame » » October 6, 2024
Then add in your beans, soya sauce, Chilis, & sesame seeds. Mix well.
Garlic Chili Edamame » » October 6, 2024
Cook for a couple of minutes and serve. I’m sure your going to love them!

DYI disinfectant wipes & hand sanitizer

DYI disinfectant wipes & hand sanitizer » » October 6, 2024
Disinfectant Wipes:
Since these products are so scares right now, heres a way for you to make your own. It really upsets us that we can not get the proper cleaning supplies, sanitizer and what not. Stock is like non existent for everyone. It’s pretty sad. Tim and I think it’s a must to have these two things in every vehicle! Disinfectant Wipes & Hand Sanitizer. We can not find any lysol wipes or any other disinfectant wipes anywhere. We had bought a pack of 3 lysols wipes months ago so now have the empty containers.
DYI disinfectant wipes & hand sanitizer » » October 6, 2024
This actually works very well, we were quite impressed!! I know it’s hard to find paper towel as well but we finally found some! It’s has to be a good quality paper towel and not a double roll just a regular roll. I took a cleaver but any sharp knife will work and I cut the paper towel roll down to size to fit into Lysol container. Once cut down you want to remove the center cardboard piece. I also had to remove 2 outer layers of paper towels to fit into container.
You can use numerous kinds of disinfectants in here make sure it’s one of the ones that kills germs 99.9%. You also need to dilute this as it’s very concentrated. Dilute as per directions say. I poured about 1/3 full in container then submerged the papertowel. Then poured another cup or so all over top making sure all paper towel gets soaked.
DYI disinfectant wipes & hand sanitizer » » October 6, 2024
You want to pull the paper towel out from the centre of the roll not from the outer edge. It’s great! It works very good we have gone through a few containers all ready.
DYI disinfectant wipes & hand sanitizer » » October 6, 2024
Hand Sanitizer:
Rubbing alcohol is also pretty scares to get but it is easier to find then hand sanitizer. We had lots of this stuff already in the house so we made a few bottles. Since hand sanitizer in like non existent everywhere at the moment. Here’s a recipe you can try out. Simple, all you need.
3OZ rubbing alcohol 70%
1OZ aloe vera
1/4TSP vitamin E oil (optional)
DYI disinfectant wipes & hand sanitizer » » October 6, 2024
We will get through this everyone, clean hands. Clear Heads. Help others and Stay safe!

Apple Upside Down Cake

Apple Upside Down Cake » » October 6, 2024
Were getting lots of cooking done being in the house all the time. Kids are enjoying helping us. Hope everyone is staying happy and safe during this Pandemic! Here’s a great early morning or afternoon recipe to try out.
Bottom Layer:
1/2CUP brown sugar
4TBSP butter or margarine
2 apples of your choice. Sliced how ever you want
3CUPS all purpose flour
 1CUP sugar
2TSP cinnamon
1TSP salt
 3TSP baking powder
 4 large eggs, beaten
2TSP vanilla extract
 1CUP milk
 3/4CUPS melted butter or margarine
Apple Upside Down Cake » » October 6, 2024
Preheat the oven to 350F and spray a 10-12 inch cast iron pan with non stick spray. For the bottom layer I spread around the soften butter with a spatula and sprinkle around the brown sugar evenly. Arrange the apples pieces in the pan how you like.
Apple Upside Down Cake » » October 6, 2024
In a bowl put the flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, salt and mix well. If you have any apples left over I chop up finely and throw in flour mixture as well. In another bowl, mix the eggs with the milk and vanilla. Add the mixture to the dry ingredients along with the melted butter and combined until smooth. Pour the batter over the apples and spread evenly. Bake the cake in the oven until golden about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Once a tooth pick inserted comes out clean, it’s done :0)
Apple Upside Down Cake » » October 6, 2024
We let cool for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then run a knife all along the edges to lose the cake so it makes it easier to come out when flipped over.

Cabbage Kimchi

Cabbage Kimchi » » October 6, 2024
1LBS napa cabbage, chopped into quarter size
 1LBS bok choy, trimmed and quartered
1carrot julienned cut into inch long pieces
3-4 green onions cut into inch long pieces
 1/3CUP salt
 1/4CUP sugar
2TBSP fish sauce
2TSP ginger cut
 3TSP minced garlic
2TBSP crushed chili peppers or Loren red pepper flakes if you have it.
1TBSP each sesame oil & toasted sesame seeds
Cabbage Kimchi » » October 6, 2024
Store in airtight container on counter overnight then put in fridge in the morning. You can eat it right away or wait for until it starts to ferment. If stored properly this will last a couple months in fridge. Put we all know it’s too good to make it last that long. Kimchi is super flavourful and great for you. You can enjoy this how it is, as a side, cooked in a dish. It’s delicious. We can’t wait to hear what you think.