
You’ll find sweet loaves, savory loaves, biscuits, tortillas, all our breads will be in here. 

Artisan No Knead Bread

Artisan No Knead Bread » » July 2, 2024
We make this bread a lot. I start it before bed in a bowl, takes under 5 minutes. And bake in the morning. The kids love waking up to homemade bread as do Tim and I as well.
Basic 4 ingredient white bread
3 cups water lukewarm
1 1/2TBSP active dry yeast
1 1/2TBSP salt
6 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
In a bowl add the warm water, salt and yeast stir.
In another bowl add flour & salt, then pour the yeast mixture over the flour and mix with wooden spoon.
Place the dough in a large container, and cover well. but do not close completely, there needs to be one corner left open to let the gases escape.
Let the dough rise for 2 hours up to 18hours.
The dough will be very sticky and elastic.
Add flour to your hands, and divide the dough in two pieces. Add more flour to your hands as necessary. Shape the dough into the desired shape for your bread and place it seam down in a hot Dutch oven. Sprinkle some more flour on top of the loaves. Let the loaves rest for another 30 minutes so that they can rise a bit.
Preheat oven to 450 F degrees.
Bake the bread for 30covered then about 8-12minutes uncovered til browned and crisp
Artisan No Knead Bread » » July 2, 2024
Preheat oven to 450 F degrees.
Bake the bread for 30covered then about 8-12minutes uncovered til browned and crisp
Artisan No Knead Bread » » July 2, 2024
Cool on rack.

Ham & Cheddar Biscuits

Ham & Cheddar Biscuits » » July 2, 2024
These are literally the best biscuits we have ever had. Load in the ham and cheese and I bet you’ll love them too!
1/2CUP minced onion
1TBSP butter or margarine
2CUPS flour
1TBSP baking powder
1TSP salt
1/2TSP baking soda
1/4CUPS butter diced
1CUPS buttermilk or milk
1CUPS roughly diced cooked ham
1CUP sharp cheddar or extra old
2TBSP butter, melted
Ham & Cheddar Biscuits » » July 2, 2024
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Combine onion and butter in a skillet over medium heat and cook until tender but not browned, about 5 minutes. Cool.
In a bowl, combine flour, baking powder, salt and baking soda, add butter and mix with your fingers until crumbly in texture. Add the onions, buttermilk, ham and cheese, stirring in with a spatula until just incorporated.
I put the big ball of dough down on a well floured surface and Pat down with my hands. I use a glass to cut biscuits out.
Arrange close together on the baking sheet for soft biscuits, or spread them apart for crisper biscuits.
Brush with hot melted butter.
Bake 450F 15-20minutes til Golden Brown. I triple this batch when making them. They freeze well. And are excellent to have on hand when needed.
After I’ve cooked a large ham. I like to make these. These are great when done with big chunks of ham with lots of cheese.

Fruity Bran Loaf

Flour Tortillas

Flour Tortillas » » July 2, 2024
These are a little bit of work, rolling all out but they cook fast. You’ll never go back to store bought again! This is a basic 5 ingredient flour tortilla recipe.
3CUPS all-purpose flour
1TSP salt
1TSP  baking powder
1/3CUP vegetable oil, shortening, or lard
1CUP hot water
In a mixing bowl, combine flour, salt & baking powder. Then add vegetable oil. Stir until the mixture is coarse crumbs.
Pour in warm water and stir to combine. Knead with well-floured hands until the mixture comes together into a dough.

Fruity & Nutty Banana Bread

Fruity & Nutty Banana Bread » » July 2, 2024
1 1/2CUPS all-purpose flour
1TSP baking powder
1TSP baking soda
1 1/4CUPS mashed ripe bananas (3-4 bananas)
1/2CUP milk
1/2CUP butter, softened or margarine
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1TSP vanilla extract
I used all of the above X3 to make all the pans. Plus
1 1/2- 2CUPS of mixed frozen berries
3/4CUP chocolate chips
Fruity & Nutty Banana Bread » » July 2, 2024
Mix flour, baking soda & baking powder in bowl. Set aside. Cream butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla in another bowl, set aside. Mash bananas and milk in a third bowl.
Fruity & Nutty Banana Bread » » July 2, 2024
I divide mix in 2 bowls, pour the mixed berries in one bowl and 3/4CUP chocolate chips in the other bowl. Gentle stir til mixed.
Fruity & Nutty Banana Bread » » July 2, 2024
We like to have these in the freezer and pull out when we want some.
Love love this pan! This cornbread pan is awesome! We use it for a variety of things. This is a cute little pan. I use it a lot.