Breakfast Pizza

Breakfast Pizza » » June 28, 2024
We have made this a variety of different ways. From different sauces to changing up the pizza toppings. This is always fun to make and everyone enjoys them.

Garlic Naan Bread (4-8 depending on how many you make)
1-2CUPS Béarnaise sauce
scrambled eggs (we did 5 eggs for 3 pizzas)
1/2CUP mozzerolla
4 pieces of bacon (3 pizzas)
Salt and Pepper

Make your favorite Béarnaise sauce. This is also excellent with a Hollandaise sauce as well but we much prefer it done with the Béarnaise sauce. Fry up your bacon and place on paper towel to remove excess oil. Break bacon into smaller pieces and set aside. Preheat oven to 400 degrees

Breakfast Pizza » » June 28, 2024
Scramble your eggs with some salt and pepper, and grate your mozzerolla.
Breakfast Pizza » » June 28, 2024
Now the fun part assembling the pizzas. We just love the garlic naan bread we make a lot of different things with these. They are packed with so much flavor. Spread your Béarnaise sauce all over your naan bread, put scrambled egg all around, add some crumbled bacon. Top with some mozzerolla. We don’t find you need much, just a little bit.

Since we had almost 2CUPS of sauce and more Naan bread we made some more breakfast pizzas throughout the week. Some with just sauce, eggs and cheese and some with sauce, eggs, cheese, topped with Avocado. This is a favorite around here and doesn’t have to be just served for breakfast.

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