Chicken Curry over the Bonfire

Chicken Curry over the Bonfire » » July 4, 2024
Lucky is just the cutest thing ever!
Another incredible dish over the fire. Hubby just loved it. Although he loves curry!
When I buy my meat at the grocery store before freezing it I prepare and or add some things to it before freezing.
This was a pack of chicken thighs. Skin on and bone in. I added some curry, chili powder, tumeric, onions & mushrooms some oil to mix it all around til well incorporated. I had put in freezer bag and froze.
Add the thawed chicken mixture to a hot cauldron with the oil & butter added. Cook til thigh skins are nicely browned.
Chicken Curry over the Bonfire » » July 4, 2024
Lucky is protecting our snack over there!
Chicken Curry over the Bonfire » » July 4, 2024
I need something for huddy and I to nibble on while we cook lol
Chicken Curry over the Bonfire » » July 4, 2024
When thighs are browned. I add everything else. 8cups chicken stock, lots of cut up onions, carrots cut in big pieces, peas, garlic, couple TBSP curry & Thai Chilis. Boil for an hour or more. This smells incredible and tastes as good as it looks! Serve with some rice.

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