Deep Fried Turkey

Deep Fried Turkey » » June 28, 2024
This is one of the best turkeys we have ever had. Crispy on the outside and oh so juicy on the inside. This is the 3rd fried turkey we have done.
Turkey Brine:
6 quarts water
1 pound kosher salt
1CUP Molasses
1CUP soya sauce
1TBSP each crushed chilis and sage
add large bunch fresh thyme
2 heads garlic crushed
2 lemon zested
Put all the above ingredients, in a stock pot and bring to a light boil. boil for a couple minutes.
Pour 5 pounds ice in a bucket/pot large enough to hold turkey & brine, place turkey in and pour brine over turkey. Leave for Almost 12 hours. I do close to18hours.
Take turkey out, pat dry removing as much liquid from turkey as possible.
Deep Fried Turkey » » June 28, 2024
Deep fry as per your turkey fryer instructions. Everyone’s turkeys are different sizes, so they all cook for different times
Deep Fried Turkey » » June 28, 2024
Its so worth it, look at that turkey! Have you ever deep fried a turkey before?

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