Dehydrated Peeps & Marshmallows

Dehydrated Peeps & Marshmallows » » June 28, 2024
Oh bouy! What can I say about dehydrated marshmallows!! These things are so loved by all. I can’t make enough of them and keep up with orders. Everyone wants some.
We used to ship different flavors of marshmallows in from the United States. It’s actual kind hard to keep up with Calgarians dehydrating needs LOL
Dehydrated Peeps & Marshmallows » » June 28, 2024
Doesn’t matter which brand, which flavor. Dehydrated those suckers just melt in your mouth! Doesn’t that sound good? Nope no sticking to the teeth here!
Dehydrated Peeps & Marshmallows » » June 28, 2024
They know where the good stuff is ❤️. As you see, she isn’t reaching for the squash down there hehehe
Love our dehydrator! It’s half the price to leading brands but works just as good!

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