Dehydrated Raspberries

Have you ever tried dehydrating raspberries at home? They take a long time, but it is so worth it!

dehydrated raspberries
We are pretty blessed with a backyard full of raspberries! It doesn’t happen that often in a big city! We have a hard time to keep up with picking them, that’s how much we have. But we make sure none go to waste! We get to have raspberries all year long. These take forever to dehydrate but they melt in your mouth and are worth it!!
dehydrated raspberries in mason jars
Dehydrate 145F for about 24hours plus. Yup, they take a while! These melt in your mouth and we love them on our yogurt and cereal.
Love our dehydrator. It’s half the price to leading brands but works just as good!

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