Every Day Recipes

You’ll find all our day to day recipes in here

Big Breakfast

Big Breakfast » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
Cut some watermelon up & plated some cherries. We sure do love homemade baked beans, but since space is a little issue living in the motorhome. Canned beans will have to do for now. The family loves buffet style.
Big Breakfast » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
Bianca, Nate, and Lucky approved. What’s yours favorite thing to eat at breakfast?

Coconut Tapioca Pudding

Coconut Tapioca Pudding » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
1 can coconut milk
1/2CUP small pearl tapioca (not instant)
2 1/2CUPS milk
1/4TSP salt
1/2CUP granulated sugar
1/2CUP freshly grated coconut
2 large eggs
1TSP coconut extract
Our family loves tapioca Pudding. This is a pretty simple recipe and tastes great.

Veggie Flatbread Pizzas

Veggie Flatbread Pizzas » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
We love pizza!! We can’t wait to have a pizza oven. Til then BBQ or oven will have to do. Had some tomatoes and jalapenos that needed used. Since the fridge needed cleaned out this week, thought it would be great to make veggie pizzas. One thing we love about pizza is you literally can put anything on them!

2 flatbreads
1/3CUP pizza sauce
Sliced tomatoes
Sliced jalapenos
Sliced onions
Diced garlic
Fresh basil & parsley
Grated mozzarella or cheese of your choice
Top with some parmesan
Preheat oven 425F
Veggie Flatbread Pizzas » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
Lay your flatbread out on a cookie sheet and spread some pizza sauce on-top,

Spinach & Artichoke Dip

Spinach & Artichoke Dip » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
It was clear out the pantry and fridge week. As we prefer for the move of our life. Now all settled into our hotel for the next little while, til we decide what plans are next. We wanted something different to have to snack on in the hotel room. I think this was a great option.

1 large jar of artichokes, drained, roughly chopped
2 bags spinach
1 whole head of garlic 8-10 cloves
Half large red onion diced & shallots diced
1CUP cream cheese
1CUP shredded mozza
1/2CUP sour cream
Olive oil
Salt pepper to taste
Spinach & Artichoke Dip » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
Saute your onions and garlic in some olive oil for a couple of minutes, I use a large cast iron pan with high sides. Add in your artichokes, salt and pepper. Stir well, cook for a few more minutes.
Spinach & Artichoke Dip » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
Add more salt pepper to taste. We like to dip french baguettes in here and pretzels is our favorite. But it tastes grest with an assortment of crackers or veggies. You can definitely cut this recipe in half also. Hope your family enjoys it as much as we do.

Pasta, Veggies & Cheese