Wow 15 today, November. 2nd!! Gosh they grow way toooo fast. He sure has grown into an awesome guy. We are so proud of you! Enjoy your big breakfast buddy, made just for you.
Today the Calgary Central Library turned 1 year old. We took part in the festivities they had to offer! What a fun morning, which ended in a speech and picture with Mayor Nenshi.on Nates birthday it was YYC Love day in Calgary. They had deals and cheap activities going on throughout the city. I made a pumpkin & heart shape pizza for him, along with wings and salad. He sure loved that supper!
We ended the night with a couple of games of Laser Tag. Bouy that was fun! Who doesn’t like a DQ treats a pizza?! It’s been a busy day :0)
I never grew up with an Elf on the shelf. I had never heard of them. Until way into my adult life, when my kids were 8 & 10 years old (now 12&14). It had seemed to be popular in Calgary Alberta.
My daughter Bianca took right too it. Wanted one and couldn’t wait to see what it was going to do everyday.
They have enjoyed the Elf last few years. Were so excited for December 1st for it to come back.
I must say, I do have fun doing it but I very much get excited when he leaves on Christmas day haha
Do you do Elf on the Shelf in your house? I’d love to see and hear about your ideas :0)