Fire Roasted Ham & Corn Chowder

Fire Roasted Ham & Corn Chowder » » June 28, 2024
This is one of the best soup I’ve ever had! Unless your cooking it over the open fire you won’t get that smokey flavor I did.
Lucky is supervising he said I cut the veggies well haha
Fire Roasted Ham & Corn Chowder » » June 28, 2024
Cut up honey ham
Canned corn
Canned cream corn
Stock stock
Salt, pepper, bay leaves, thyme, rosemary & parsley
Fire Roasted Ham & Corn Chowder » » June 28, 2024
Get your fire going and your cauldron hot! Add your butter and oil. Then onions, carrots and celery. Cook few minutes. Stirring. Add garlic. Stirring, cook couple minutes.
Fire Roasted Ham & Corn Chowder » » June 28, 2024
Lucky is chillin’
Fire Roasted Ham & Corn Chowder » » June 28, 2024
Add all spices, salt & pepper. 8 cups of chicken stock. You want to boil this for a bit. About an hour.
Fire Roasted Ham & Corn Chowder » » June 28, 2024
While we’re waiting , kids arrived home from school and you all know what they wanted?! What’s for snack today?
S’mores it is. Did there faces ever light up!
Fire Roasted Ham & Corn Chowder » » June 28, 2024
There shouldn’t be much stock left but still enough to just cover the rest of stuff. Add cut potatoes, corns, ham & green onions. Boil down til potatoes done and it’s nicely thickened. I don’t add flour and or cornstarch. This one naturally thickens for me.
We were cooking lots of stuff over the fire this day and I was onto recipe two so I needed to transfer this soup into a different pot as I needed my cauldron. That’s why finished product in something different ;0)
It got devoured fast!

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