Gingerbread houses, men & snaps

Gingerbread houses, men & snaps » » July 4, 2024
We love this recipe. We love gingerbread cookie flavour.
Put together & set aside
3CUPS flour
1/2TSP baking soda
1/4TSP baking powder
3TSP ground ginger
2TSP ground cinnamon
1/2TSP salt
Beat 1/2CUP each softened butter & 1/2CUP packed brown sugar. Add 1 egg and 1/2 molasses. Add in flour mixture & beat well.
When mixed. Divide in half. Saran and put in fridge for an hour.
Heat oven to 350
Use a floured surface and roll out dough about 1/3″thick.
Use cookie cutters of your choice. I have gingerbread house cookie cutters. (Best thing ever!) We like to make our own houses.
Bake 7-8 minutes.
Transfer to wire rack and let cool before decorating.

Gingerbread houses, men & snaps » » July 4, 2024
I made some balls and roll them in sugar. Flatten a bit. And take chopsticks to put some imprints in them. I call these ginger snaps (not really but it’s what I call them)
Gingerbread houses, men & snaps » » July 4, 2024
This recipe makes for of my houses and lots of cookies.

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