Welcome to 2020 when… Just a typical Tuesday afternoon while we are supposed to be working, and the kids in school. During this Pandemic, Tim and I are in a huge line while the kids sit in the vehicle while we wait to purchase hand Sanitizer at a local Brewery in Alberta!! Wow times sure have changed.Global is here filming, they making sure they get all the good stuff!!!
That’s all everyone was buying. It was limit 4 bottles. We only bought two as we are moving across the country soon. I’m pretty sure we were the only ones that bought 2 bottles, everyone was getting the 4. These bottles will be our keep sake of Alberta! They used many many different wine bottles to fill with hand sanitizer. We got the Uptown Girl Bottles, which are covered up now with Hand Sanitizer labels. Approved by the World Health Organization. Way to go Minhas, everyone stepping up their game for this Pandemic and it’s nice to see companies coming forward showing how much they care!