Mini Meatloaves

Mini Meatloaves » » July 4, 2024
I’ve been wanting meatloaf lately. Haven’t made it in many months. Decided today was the day. Took the kids out skating for a few hours this afternoon. I’m pretty wiped. Wanted something easier tonight yet hearty.
1CUP crushed cornflakes
1 large onion, cut
2 lb ground beef
2 eggs
3 garlic cloves, minced
1TSP Worcestershire Sauce
1/4CUP ketchup
1TSP dried parsley
1TSP dried thyme
1TSP each black pepper & salt
Mini Meatloaves » » July 4, 2024
Mix all together. Very well. Instead of making a loaf I wanted to use my oyster cast iron pan. I sure love this pan! I made a flattened circle with meat at bottom of bowl and decided into 12 pieces so they would be all pretty even.
Mini Meatloaves » » July 4, 2024
I pat balls in my hands and formed them into like a football shape. Squeezed ketchup on-top.
Mini Meatloaves » » July 4, 2024
I served with carrots & garlic chili mashed
Love my cast iron oyster pan! We use it for a variety of things

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