
Colorful Veggies & Colorful Pasta

Colorful Veggies & Colorful Pasta » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
This was fun. They had some colored broccoli at my local market Saturday morning so we picked up a bag. The next day we had went to bulk barn to pick up a few things and I see these colored noodles lol. Made me think of my broccoli I had bought day before. I decided to buy about 2 cups of noodles.
Colorful Veggies & Colorful Pasta » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
Fast and easy dish here! 5 sausages out of the casings, onions, peppers, mushrooms, & garlic all cooked up then add pasta sauce, steamed broccoli, & cooked pasta. Definitely can be done without meat.
Colorful Veggies & Colorful Pasta » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
Top with basil and Parmesan

Ham & Cheese Quiche

Ham & Cheese Quiche » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
We love quiches they are so versatile, you can add omit anything. They taste great.
Fry all the veggies up. We used onions , 2 peppers, leeks, & garlic.
Ham & Cheese Quiche » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
Once Vegetables are tender add in your cooked ham.
Ham & Cheese Quiche » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
Homemade or store bought pie crust is fine. Prebake.
Ham & Cheese Quiche » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
To my Vegetable & ham mixture I added 5 beaten eggs, handful of Arugula, and some cheese balls cut up.
Ham & Cheese Quiche » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
Bake 375 for about 30 minutes I top with some grated cheese a few minutes before done.
Ham & Cheese Quiche » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
Let cool a little bit.
Lucky said waiting isn’t fun but it’s worth it!
Ham & Cheese Quiche » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
Cut & dig in. Youll enjoy this!
Ham & Cheese Quiche » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
Lucky saids I’m ready for bite 2 lol

Eggs Benedict Pizzas, Ladies Brunch

Eggs Benedict Pizzas, Ladies Brunch » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
Annual Ladies Christmas Brunch at our Church. I was in charge of the main dish this year!
Eggs Benedict Pizzas, Ladies Brunch » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
Working on pizzas
Eggs Benedict Pizzas, Ladies Brunch » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
Cooking for 70!
3 pizzas were devoured everyone loved them. Not one person, had had it before!
Eggs Benedict Pizzas, Ladies Brunch » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
When I make this at home the family gets excited. We all love Eggs Benedict!

Pork Tenderloin in a Mushroom Sauce

Pork Tenderloin in a Mushroom Sauce » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
This recipe is a once a weeker (I made up a word lol) in our house! We eat a lot of pork. Cause it’s affordable, tastes great and so verstile.
This is just thinly sliced tenderloin pan fried with your favorite mushrooms, olive oil, salt & pepper. I like to use a variety of mushrooms. I dehydrate a lot. I always have different mushrooms on hand.
Usually button, cremini, & some wild ones. For me this recipe is best with a variety but you if you only have the one kind that’s fine. About 1-2 cups cut.
Pork Tenderloin in a Mushroom Sauce » RecipeCollage.com » June 29, 2024
I then add just over a 1/4CUP flour to meat/mushrooms. Stir well, cook couple minutes. Low heat. If you like things rich add 2CUPS cream, we prefer 2CUPS half & half. Is what I use. Turn heat up to light boil, stir constantly til thickened. Then remove from heat. Add more salt/pepper if needed.
Serve over rice. If you prefer you can eat mashed potatoes with this instead.