Potato Salad

Potato Salad » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
We feel some horrible we haven’t been posting in a bit. Between 2 surgeries, selling our Calgary home, and having multiple issues with trying to leave Alberta. It’s been a very long month!! Don’t you worry we are cooking just as much as we did before, we have lots of recipes to post and will be getting back at it very soon!

You can use any kind of potatoes. We like to make potato salad with baby potatoes, bonus if they are the multiple color bag. Just makes for a prettier salad.
8cups cooked, diced potatoes. You can peel your potatoes if you prefer, but we don’t bother.
1 white onions, diced
1 can green peas, drained
6-8eggs, boiled, peeled, sliced
1/2CUP plus Mayonnaise
Salt pepper to taste
Paprika to sprinkle ontop
Potato Salad » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
We like to boil the eggs and potaotes at the same time, saves some time. Boil roughly 10minutes til a fork Pierce’s nicely through the potato.
Potato Salad » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
Drain potatoes, if using the baby potatoes, we slice in half, we like bigger chunks but if you prefer you cut potatoes to size you want.
Potato Salad » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
Now the fun part, get a large bowl. Put all ingredients in (except Paprika), mix well. Try not to over mix, you don’t want to break all the eggs, and peas up.
Potato Salad » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
Sprinkle some paprika ontop. This is optional but it sure does add some great flavour.
Potato Salad » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
Lucky is ready, hehehe. Potato Salad goes with a lot of stuff. Today we had loaded hotdogs with them.

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