
Where you’ll find Canning, Dehydrating, Freezing, Fermenting, Freeze Drying & Cheese Making.

Dehydrated Meringue Cookies

Dehydrated Meringue Cookies » » July 2, 2024
I take food color with qtips and run colors along the cookies gently. Works quite well.
Dehydrated Meringue Cookies » » July 2, 2024
Dehydrate 150F for about 6 hours, take out let cool.
These can be done in oven at 200 for 1 hour and 1 hour left in oven with door stayed closed after cooking.
We make this every Christmas
It’s half the price compared to the leading Dehydrators and works just as good!

Top Sirloin Roast Beefs

Top Sirloin Roast Beefs » » July 2, 2024
We got an excellent deal on huge roasts. Time to chop them up, seal them up, and freeze them.
Top Sirloin Roast Beefs » » July 2, 2024
1 roast gets cut up into 3 meals for stews, stirfrys or other beef recipes. Another roast gets cut in 3rd. I get 3 family size roast out of one.
Top Sirloin Roast Beefs » » July 2, 2024
3rd roast we cut into 12 3/4inch thick top sirloin steaks. Anyone else buy in bulk? And freeze or can?

Chinese Cured Pork Belly

Some of the products we use while Preserving

This is the dehydrator we use, it’s half the price compared to leading brands but works just as good! We love it.We have this canning set, it’s excellent. We use it for a variety of things.This is the Pressure Canner we have, no complaints here.This is the water bath canner we use. Love having home canned goods on hand!We use a lot of these jars. I have thousands! We use them for canning, dehydrating, juicing, storage, drinking glasses, you name it we use them.

Granola with Dried Fruits

Granola with Dried Fruits » » July 2, 2024
We love granola! It’s never the same, always changing. When we make it, we make a big batch and it will last for a few months! I take advantage of all our dehydrated fruits here, I use whatever I have around and or left over.

4CUPS rolled oats
1CUP coconut flakes
1CUP raw nuts
1cup dried fruit of your choice
2 tsp your favourite spice (cinnamon, cardamom, pumpkin spice, nutmeg, etc)
1 pinch salt
1/3CUP sweetener (honey, maple syrup, syrups)
1/3CUP coconut oil
1 1/2TSP vanilla extract
Granola with Dried Fruits » » July 2, 2024
Dehydrate 125F for 10-12 hours.
Love my dehydrator. It’s half the price of the leading brands and it works just as good!