
You’ll find Soup, Stews, Chowders, Stocks, & Broths and more in here!

Turkey Soup with homemade herbed egg noodles

Turkey Soup with homemade herbed egg noodles » » July 3, 2024
3 carrots chopped
1 onion chopped
3 stalks celery chopped
2 cups frozen peas & carrots (normally I’d just put in peas. But I didn’t have any)
2-3cuos turkey
2+CUPS turkey stock or chicken
Dried thyme, salt, & pepper
Fresh rosemary, thyme & sage
I have pictured 2 potatoes but decided to make egg noodles to go in instead.
Turkey Soup with homemade herbed egg noodles » » July 3, 2024
Fry up the onion, celery, carrots, in a stock pot. Throw everything else in. Cover with remainder of water.
Turkey Soup with homemade herbed egg noodles » » July 3, 2024
Bring temp up, bring to boil and simmer for couple hours
Turkey Soup with homemade herbed egg noodles » » July 3, 2024
Egg noodle recipe
2CUPS flour
3 egg yolks
1 egg
2TSP salt
1/4-1/2CUP milk
Rosemary & thyme
Add dry ingredients together.
Add wet ingredients together.
Add wet ingredients to dry. Mix well and knead for a bit.

Turkey Soup with homemade herbed egg noodles » » July 3, 2024
Throw them in the soup, bring back to a boil, cover and then simmer for about 20 minutes.
Turkey Soup with homemade herbed egg noodles » » July 3, 2024
Pour a bowl and enjoy :0)

Potato & Leek Soup

Potato & Leek Soup » » July 3, 2024

3 large leeks, cleaned very well, chopped
3 cloves garlic
4-6 large potatoes, roughly chopped
8 cups chicken or vegetable broth
1 onion
2 bay leaves
3 sprigs fresh thyme or dried
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 cup half & half
Half cup grated cheese I used provolone
Potato & Leek Soup » » July 3, 2024
I throw everything in a dutch oven but the milk & cheese. Bring to boil, slightly cover, light boil til everything is softened.
Potato & Leek Soup » » July 3, 2024
I take my emersion blender and blend it all including bay leaves. Once blended nicely I add the cream (or half & half), and stir in the cheese.
Potato & Leek Soup » » July 3, 2024
My family loves this soup!
We have the PC Choice brand but this one is just as good.

Pork & Bean Soup

Pork & Bean Soup » » July 3, 2024

Peek a Boo lol. He sees you. Hehehe
Ever use your Bean Crock for Soup?
Can of beans in tomatoes
1pork chop
3 sausages out of the casings
2 carrots
2 celery with tops
Green onions
Bay leafs & 1TBSP oregano
Beef stock & Chicken Stock.
Throw it all in the crock.

Pork & Bean Soup » » July 3, 2024
I put the whole pork right in and cut it up later. Cook low and slow on the stove all day! Serve with fresh bread.

Wor Wonton Soup

Wor Wonton Soup » » July 3, 2024
The whole family loves this soup! It takes time to make all the wontons, I make lots to freeze so I can make this soup when we want. Everyone makes this soup a little different cause different things can be added from meat, seafood to Vegetables.
I’ll start with the Pork & Shrimp Wontons
1/2 pound ground pork
1/2pound raw shrimp cut up
1TBSP of each sweet rice wine, soya sauce, sugar, ginger, & cornstarch
2 cloves garlic minced
1TSP Vegetable oil
Cup of green onions white & green parts
Mix all together well.
Put a tablespoon in each wonton little bit of egg on edges to help hold it together when pinched. Repeat til done.
Wor Wonton Soup » » July 3, 2024
I lay these all out on a cookie sheet and freeze in my freezer like this. A few hours later I put them in freezer bags. And back in freezer. So easy to just grab 6 or 8 or how many ever I need.
Wor Wonton Soup » » July 3, 2024
Wor Wonton Soup » » July 3, 2024
4CUPS 750 ml chicken broth 
2 garlic cloves, minced
1″ piece of ginger, sliced thinly
 2TBSP soy sauce 
2TSP sugar 
1 1/2TBSP cooking wine
1/2TSP sesame oil
If you want just wonton soup. Add all the above place your wontons. Boil, cook and serve.
If you want the wor wonton soup
Add all above to pot, then I added broccoli, carrots, raw, shrimp, raw chicken & green onions. Boil til meats cooked and vegetables are tender. Add in how many wontons you’ll need. Light boil til there done. About 8 minutes.
I cooked some Japanese noodles in another pot and add some cooked noodles to each bowl before pouring in the Wor wonton.
Kids always want more!
We have the PC Choice brand but this one is just as good.

Pork Belly & Chicken Soup

Pork Belly & Chicken Soup » » July 3, 2024
This was a look in my fridge and clean out kinda day.
A few green onions wrapped up
Garlic & ginger
Celery, mushrooms, lots of turnips
3 inch thick piece of pork belly added in
Fill with water, add some soya, salt & pepper. Light boil for hours, take out pork belly and cut in very thin pieces and put back in soup. Last half hour add in some cooked rice and or rice noodles
Pork Belly & Chicken Soup » » July 3, 2024
Served with some BBQ pork steamed buns