Stuffed Jalapenos

Stuffed Jalapenos » » June 28, 2024
If your not stuffing your jalapenos like this, then your doing it all wrong lol.
It’s pretty simple and look how pretty they look with their tops.
My stuffing is
2TBSP cream cheese
6TBSP of 2-3 kinds of your favorite cheese
For me, these are best with a variety on cheeses.
I’m not much of a just cream cheese filler, I just want a little so it combines the other cheeses well.
My spices I add to cheese mixture always varies. I say use your favorite. I like garlic, onion, Italian, crushed chilis, really anything can go!
Cheese, Bacon & heat what else could one want?! Haha
Stuffed Jalapenos » » June 28, 2024
I like to use a high quality bacon when doing these.
We eat a lot of jalapenos. I buy a huge bag (about 22) at grocery store every 2 weeks.
Stuffed Jalapenos » » June 28, 2024
Bake, and dig in fast cause they aren’t going to last :0)

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