Ground Beef


Nachos » » July 2, 2024
3/4 – Pound ground beef
1 cut onion
4-5 cloves of garlic minced
Fried til meat is cook and vegetables are tender
Nachos » » July 2, 2024
Add 2-3TBSP taco spice
Nachos » » July 2, 2024
Mix well. Finish cooking.
Nachos » » July 2, 2024
These are our favorite nacho toppings, what are yours?
Ground beef
Green onions
Black olives
Jalapeno harvarti
Nachos » » July 2, 2024
One thing I can’t stand is soggy nachos!! They aren’t suppose to be soggy. If your using olives they have to be squeezed really well of their water. Tomatoes are excellent on nachos but don’t cook them on the nachos. Throw some optop when serving! They will make the chip soggy fast. I have to make a big batch of nachos cause my family loves them. I do 3 layers. Everything on each layer. Bake in a preheated oven 425F for about 10minutes. We serve sour cream and salsa on the side. Once in a while will have some guacamole too.
I bake these in individual cast iron skillets so everyone gets to make/have their own nachos.
How does your family do nachos?
Our everyday Lodge user!

Mini Meatloaves

Mini Meatloaves » » July 2, 2024
I’ve been wanting meatloaf lately. Haven’t made it in many months. Decided today was the day. Took the kids out skating for a few hours this afternoon. I’m pretty wiped. Wanted something easier tonight yet hearty.
1CUP crushed cornflakes
1 large onion, cut
2 lb ground beef
2 eggs
3 garlic cloves, minced
1TSP Worcestershire Sauce
1/4CUP ketchup
1TSP dried parsley
1TSP dried thyme
1TSP each black pepper & salt
Mini Meatloaves » » July 2, 2024
Mix all together. Very well. Instead of making a loaf I wanted to use my oyster cast iron pan. I sure love this pan! I made a flattened circle with meat at bottom of bowl and decided into 12 pieces so they would be all pretty even.
Mini Meatloaves » » July 2, 2024
I pat balls in my hands and formed them into like a football shape. Squeezed ketchup on-top.
Mini Meatloaves » » July 2, 2024
I served with carrots & garlic chili mashed
Love my cast iron oyster pan! We use it for a variety of things

Nacho night

Nacho night » » July 2, 2024
Ground Beef
Homemade taco spice
Nacho night » » July 2, 2024
Cook, add taco spice
Nacho night » » July 2, 2024
Our favorite nacho toppings:
Green onions
My kids love when it’s make your own nacho night
Nacho night » » July 2, 2024
No guacamole tonight, served with couple quesadilla, salsa & sour cream
Our everyday Lodge user

Layered Pasta stuffed Meatballs

Layered Pasta stuffed Meatballs » » July 2, 2024
We enjoyed this. I made some meatballs with sausage, ground beef, onions, & loads of spices. Cooked a box of large pasta shells up. I laid out all the noodles flat and filled them with a raw meatball then with a little cheddar, parm on-top & crushed chilis.
Layered Pasta stuffed Meatballs » » July 2, 2024
I used my cast iron wok for this but you can use a casserole dish as well. Take your favorite pasta sauce and start layering pan. Starting with sauce at the bottom then layer of noodles, repeat until all gone
Layered Pasta stuffed Meatballs » » July 2, 2024
Top with your favorite grated cheeses.
Bake 400F about 40 minutes.
Lucky it’s not ready yet, you have to wait! Oh fine, here’s a piece of shredded cheese hehehe
Love this cast iron wok

Country Pie

Country Pie » » July 2, 2024
Preheat oven to 400F.
Cook your beef over medium heat until browned. Remove the beef from the skillet.
Add the vegetables and garlic to the beef juices in the pan. Cook until soft, 7-10 min.
Add the tomato paste and flour. Stir until the flour is completely moistened.
Return the cooked beef to pan. Add the stock, Worcestershire sauce, and thyme. Simmer until the gravy thickens.
Transfer the meat mixture into a cast iron pan. Spoon the mashed potatoes over the meat mixture.
Place the dish in the oven at 400F and cook for 20-30 min or until the top is golden.
Let stand 5-10 min before serving.
Country Pie » » July 2, 2024
We really enjoy it! We are a meat and potato kinda family :0)