
Mushroom Egg Drop with Bokchoy

Mushroom Egg Drop with Bokchoy » » July 2, 2024
One of our favorite soups, so simply, cheap, gets devoured fast!
3 large eggs, beaten
4 cups chicken stock
1TBSP cornstarch
1/2TSP grated ginger
1-2TBSP soy sauce
3 green onions cut
1/4TSP white pepper
3/4 cup mushrooms
I put some bokchoy in this one to add some color and flavour.
Add everything to pot but eggs and cornstarch. Bring to light boil til mushrooms are cooked. Doesn’t take long. Stir in beat eggs. I sometimes thicken it with cornstarch and sometimes I don’t want it like that. This time we didn’t thicken it.

Pork Tenderloin in a Mushroom Sauce

Pork Tenderloin in a Mushroom Sauce » » July 2, 2024
This recipe is a once a weeker (I made up a word lol) in our house! We eat a lot of pork. Cause it’s affordable, tastes great and so verstile.
This is just thinly sliced tenderloin pan fried with your favorite mushrooms, olive oil, salt & pepper. I like to use a variety of mushrooms. I dehydrate a lot. I always have different mushrooms on hand.
Usually button, cremini, & some wild ones. For me this recipe is best with a variety but you if you only have the one kind that’s fine. About 1-2 cups cut.
Pork Tenderloin in a Mushroom Sauce » » July 2, 2024
I then add just over a 1/4CUP flour to meat/mushrooms. Stir well, cook couple minutes. Low heat. If you like things rich add 2CUPS cream, we prefer 2CUPS half & half. Is what I use. Turn heat up to light boil, stir constantly til thickened. Then remove from heat. Add more salt/pepper if needed.
Serve over rice. If you prefer you can eat mashed potatoes with this instead.