
Dehydrated Meringue Cookies

Dehydrated Meringue Cookies » » June 29, 2024
I take food color with qtips and run colors along the cookies gently. Works quite well.
Dehydrated Meringue Cookies » » June 29, 2024
Dehydrate 150F for about 6 hours, take out let cool.
These can be done in oven at 200 for 1 hour and 1 hour left in oven with door stayed closed after cooking.
We make this every Christmas
It’s half the price compared to the leading Dehydrators and works just as good!

Cranberry sauce

Cranberry sauce » » June 29, 2024
I can’t really give a recipe for this. Cause some people like sweet cranberries and some like tart ones. We prefer them tart. You just add sugar as you go til you get to the sweetness you want.
Cranberry sauce » » June 29, 2024
Bag of Cranberries, 1/2CUP water, & about 1CUP sugar
Cranberry sauce » » June 29, 2024
Cook down to cranberries are a jam consistentcy.

Sugar Cookies

Sugar Cookies » » June 29, 2024
It was our annual Christmas Market at our Church and all the fabulous ladies and gentlemen bring in stuff to donate for the baked sale. I made up Sugar Cookies. Lots of sugar cookies.
2 1/2CUPS all-purpose flour
1/4CUP cornstarch
1TSP baking powder
pinch of salt
3/4CUP butter, softened or margarine
1CUP sugar
1TSP vanilla extract
2 eggs