Looking to jazz up your popcorn? If you like all those Thai flavours and like a little heat, we think you’ll love this!! It’s a must try. 1/2CUP each of butter (or margarine), brown sugar & roasted peanuts 3TBSP Sriracha 2TBSP each cut green onions, garlic, jalapenos & cilantro 1TBSP each cut Thai Chili’s & fish sauce Zest from a lime, juice from a lime 3bags Microwave Popcorn (you can make your own if you prefer)
Cook all above on a low/med heat for 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool for a couple of minutes. I find it cools faster if I transfer it to a bowl.
Add 1/2CUP roasted peanuts & 3 bags of microwave popcorn to a big bowl. You can make your own popcorn too. Once sauce has cooled a bit. You pour it over popcorn a little at a time mixing stirring well and continuing to pour some more. Probably use 1/2- 3/4CUP to 3 bags of microwave popcorn. We will have extra sauce for another night this week. Then you want to lay popcorn out on a large sheet pan and bake in oven 250F for roughly 45-1hour. Mixing turning popcorn all around every 10-15minutes.
When it comes out we top with some fresh Chili’s, green onions & cilantro. This doesn’t last long in our house! Let us know what you think.