Wor Wonton Soup

Wor Wonton Soup » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
The whole family loves this soup! It takes time to make all the wontons, I make lots to freeze so I can make this soup when we want. Everyone makes this soup a little different cause different things can be added from meat, seafood to Vegetables.
I’ll start with the Pork & Shrimp Wontons
1/2 pound ground pork
1/2pound raw shrimp cut up
1TBSP of each sweet rice wine, soya sauce, sugar, ginger, & cornstarch
2 cloves garlic minced
1TSP Vegetable oil
Cup of green onions white & green parts
Mix all together well.
Put a tablespoon in each wonton little bit of egg on edges to help hold it together when pinched. Repeat til done.
Wor Wonton Soup » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
I lay these all out on a cookie sheet and freeze in my freezer like this. A few hours later I put them in freezer bags. And back in freezer. So easy to just grab 6 or 8 or how many ever I need.
Wor Wonton Soup » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
Wor Wonton Soup » RecipeCollage.com » July 4, 2024
4CUPS 750 ml chicken broth 
2 garlic cloves, minced
1″ piece of ginger, sliced thinly
 2TBSP soy sauce 
2TSP sugar 
1 1/2TBSP cooking wine
1/2TSP sesame oil
If you want just wonton soup. Add all the above place your wontons. Boil, cook and serve.
If you want the wor wonton soup
Add all above to pot, then I added broccoli, carrots, raw, shrimp, raw chicken & green onions. Boil til meats cooked and vegetables are tender. Add in how many wontons you’ll need. Light boil til there done. About 8 minutes.
I cooked some Japanese noodles in another pot and add some cooked noodles to each bowl before pouring in the Wor wonton.
Kids always want more!
We have the PC Choice brand but this one is just as good.

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